We have several options for your family to chose from!
We use your child's age as of September 1 of the current year for class placement.
Our Tots (18-24 months) can come on Monday/Wednesday/Friday or Tuesday/Thursday or Monday through Friday.
Our Preschool 2's can come on Monday/Wednesday/Friday or Tuesday/Thursday or Monday through Friday.
Our Preschool 3's can come on Monday/Wednesday/Friday or Tuesday/Thursday or Monday through Friday.
Our Pre-K 4's can come on Monday/Wednesday/Friday or Tuesday/Thursday or Monday through Friday.
For the 2024-2025 school year, academic class time is: 8:15-12:15 for half day; and 8:15-3:35 for full day.
We have Extended School Care before school starting at 7:00 am and after school until 6:00 pm. Pre-registration is NOT required. It is charged at the end of the month for the amount of time used.
For more information about LCA Preschool contact:
LCA Preschool is Accredited by:
Association of Christian Schools International (www.acsi.org)
LCA Preschool is not a Day Care Center and is exempt from day care licensing.
LCA Preschool voluntarily meets or exceeds state of Texas minimum standards.
LCA Preschool commits to on-going monitoring to maintain compliance with the state of Texas.